Friday, June 13, 2014

The Smashed Finger

There's a drainage ditch in front of my house that a landscaping company came and painstakingly placed big rocks around the culvert to make it look nice. I'm forever telling my two youngest boys to quit playing with the rocks, and now they know why!

Monday June 2, 2014. Boys are playing outside while I am talking with my dad at the dining room table. I had a window open and was checking on the boys every few minutes or so. Tucker has a tendency to scream all the time. When he's playing, angry, happy....all the time! So I hear a scream, and thought, "Why does he have to do that ALL THE TIME??!" Said scream proceeded to get louder and closer. I look out the window and see Tucker running up the driveway as I conclude this scream is a "hurt" scream. I met him at the front door and all the blood dripping from his hand clinches this theory. I automatically wrap my hand around his and apply pressure. Kyan ran to get me a wash cloth and when I opened my hand to apply the cloth, I knew a trip to the ER was in order. Tucker told us that Jaxon, the 2 year old, had dropped a big rock on Tucker, the 4 year old's right pinky, while Tucker had his hand resting on another rock. My dad got Tucker in the car while I persuaded Jaxon he wasn't in trouble and needed to come inside (he knew he was in for it and ran to the middle of the jungle gym and crouched down, thinking I wouldn't be able to see him!) My dad kept an eye on the other kids and called Kevin to meet me at the ER.

After we got the bleeding stopped. He never cried again once there was no red stuff dripping everywhere!

Waiting to see the doctor.
Stop taking pictures and let me enjoy my popsicle in peace, will ya??!

The end result: dermabond (skin glue), steri strips, and a splint.

Fast forward three days. June 5, 2014
The glue wasn't quite dry before the splint was applied as we found out a few days later when we tried removing it. A call to the hospital, a quick soak in a bit of warm water, and bam! Problem solved.

It looks worse than it actually was. Tucker was quite annoyed that I kept asking him how his finger felt and if it hurt. "Mommy, it's fine. I'm fine. Stop asking!"

 Monday June 9, 2014
Healing up pretty well.

 Wednesday June 11, 2014

Friday June 13, 2014

Looks like Tucker will make a full recovery. He uses the finger all the time now and he only complained of pain 3 times. I can't say I'd be as tough or brave!

 Oh, and Tucker loves to look on the front steps, sidewalk, and driveway for his "blood track", because Mommy hasn't had time to pressure wash it off yet. Boys!


  1. He WAS a trooper! Ouch! Being a mom nurse sure comes in handy! Isn't it cool how the body heals? All those pics are neat!

    1. Totally cool. Bloody mess to almost healed in 11 days?? Always awesome, right?! :) I love to keep my skills up...but mom nurse could use a bit of a break!
