Monday, September 12, 2016

First Day of School 2016

The 2016-2017 school year kicked off for us on September 6, 2016. Can I just say how much I love school starting after Labor Day?! It rocks!

Tucker is a second grader this year. He is in Mrs. Hamilton's class at Oakbrook Elementary. He is thrilled because his friends Nicholas and Ric are in his class. He has his first crush on a girl named Lexi. He's a super reader, speller, and a crack shot at math. He can hardly wait to get his "license" to learn cursive.

Kyan is a fourth grader this year. He is in Mr. Gorski's class at Oakbrook Elementary. He is stoked to be learning from his first male teacher. He loves that his friend Ava is in his class. He's also a super reader, a great speller (they are both going to put us in hock due to our $.25 per correctly spelled word deal), and loves science. He's also looking forward to expanding his education in Mandarin Chinese.

The bus stops right around the corner at the side entrance of the sub so it's a very short walk.

The school lets the parents come on the first day for the first twenty minutes or so and I was able to meet their teachers and snap a pic.

Tucker's friend Logan. They didn't end up in the same class this year (sad face) but his mom snapped this and sent it to me.

They usually get off the bus in the afternoon by themselves and told me I could only come on the first day.

Jaxon started his second year of preschool on September 12, 2016. His teachers are Mrs. Pennazoli and Mrs. Huey at Collins Elementary. He's excited to make new friends, learn more letters and numbers, and get ready for kindergarten. He looks forward to gym day and library day every week.

This is the face of a kid who cannot wait to hop on the bus with his brothers and spend all day at school next year. When I ask him sadly, "What am I going to do without you next year?" He calmly answers: "Watch Grey's Anatomy!"

I think he has me pegged.
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